Our lists are the center of our content. We publish them biweekly and they contain a few briefings of issues in the news as well as ways to take action on them. Sometimes we also publish special lists on particular days like Indigenous Peoples Day. The Lists page is just all of our lists in chronological order.
This page gives a basic script and number as well as tips and how-to's about calling your representatives. It also explains how that process works and why you should engage with it!
Index by Issue
This is an index where you can find an issue (i.e. Immigration) and links to every list where that issue is covered. The parentheses indicate what specific part of that issue the list covers (i.e. DACA expiring). Some of it may be outdated, because the bills covered passed (or didn't) or the specific issue was resolved. Some is not outdated and is still useful! And all of our coverage will give you helpful background info about issues.
Past Articles
A visual archive of all of our lists and other articles.
The Must-Have List
This is a list with basic scripts for most issues and valuable numbers for each, as well as helpful websites and organizations.
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