LISTSOur biweekly lists lay out notable issues in the news and tell you what you can do about them.
Hey Teen Resisters! Welcome back; we hope you all had lovely and restful summers. With the (school!) year back in full swing, we're ready to get back on our regular biweekly schedule!! Can't wait to share this fight with you all :) Before we begin....TR 2020 Announcements!! If for some reason you need a reminder besides the endless media circus, the 2020 elections are upon us! It’s currently primary season, filled with lots of debates and confusion, especially because of the sheer number of Democratic candidates there are. We’ll leave it up to you to decide which one is right for you, so we won’t be endorsing anyone until primaries are over, but we really encourage you to start paying attention to the candidates and potentially getting involved early on. This could range from just watching the debates to donating to or canvassing for a candidate. Outside the presidential sphere, we have a real shot of taking back Congress from the GOP in 2020, and local elections are more important than ever (for more info on this, look back to our Midterm Election coverage from 2018). During this election season, we’ll be making a big push for you all to get involved with your favorite candidates and issues. One of the biggest mistakes made in 2016 was taking a Democratic win for granted, and we won’t make the same mistake again. Once there is a nominee, we’ll be announcing a 2020 Involvement initiative! This will include lots of 2020 coverage, calling parties & workshops, maybe a canvassing trip, and much more. We’re so excited to fight alongside you. Stay tuned! (& learn about the candidates’ policies on issues you care about! Now!! In no particular order, a place to do that for each of the candidates polling above 5 percent: And, without further ado...happy reading! Happy activisting! xx, TR what went (Is Going) down
Trump has attacked at least 80 existing environmental regulations over the course of his presidency, and he’s succeeding in overturning many, including in the areas of air pollution and emissions, drilling and extraction, infrastructure and planning, animals, toxic substances and safety, and water pollution. However, that doesn’t mean that hope is entirely lost, especially at more local levels. In fact, just this past June, New York’s State Senate passed a bill, the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, that plans to generate 70 percent of New York’s electricity from renewable resources and reduce 85 percent of the state’s greenhouses by 2050. And UN Secretary General António Guterres led a meeting on September 23 in New York to introduce the concept of trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 45 percent over the next decade, and even to net zero emissions by 2050. This includes the government on the federal and state level, international organizations, local authority, and us, the citizens. Thus, the question is: how do we help create impact? Spreading information—via social media, for example—in order to help our peers become aware is valuable, as is implementing environmentally friendly routines into our daily lives, like reducing plastic use. But is there something we can do beyond that? The answer is yes. On Friday, millions of Americans are planning to peacefully protest against the use of fossil fuels and other environmentally damaging resources. These protesters are demanding environmental reform, including a ban on fossil fuels, increased statutes and limitations on polluters and fossil fuel companies, and a smooth transition plan to green energy that will prioritize the well-being of our Earth while avoiding major economic regression. This movement isn’t just national—in fact, there are currently over 2,500 strikes planned globally, in addition to the 500 domestically (the largest coordinated climate event yet!!!). And it won’t stop there. Starting next Monday, on September 23rd, constituents all over are planning a week of actions. For example, Washington, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Oregon, Wisconsin, Vermont, California, and more are all coming together to create local legislation and action. The time to act and speak is now. Join the strikes! What you can do:
Although the storm is now at sea, tens of thousands of people are still in catastrophe, left without homes, power, resources, or family. Here are some urgent measures that you can take to offer support to those affected today:
As with the border wall case, Justices Sotomayor and Ginsburg wrote a strong dissent to the court’s decision, and, in the words of American Civil Liberties Union attorney Omar Jadwat, ““The human toll of today’s asylum ban stay will be horrific.” The order will fundamentally change the way that migrants are processed, and it will alter the number and nature of those who come. For example, migrants from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador cannot seek asylum in the U.S. if they didn't first ask for it in Mexico. For many migrants, denied asylum is effectively, if not directly, a death sentence; violence, persecution—especially against women—and poverty characterize conditions in Central America especially.
What can you do?
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